Edgebrooke Village II Homeowners Association
Email: edgebrookeII@hotmail.com
Monthly Dues Increase
Effective April 1, 2025
Free Bulk Curb-Side Pickup
Saturday March 15, 2025
Annual HOA Owner Meeting
The annual HOA Owner Meeting
was held on Saturday February 22nd
Pool Rules and Enforcement Regulation
Please click here to see the Pool Rules and Regulations.
Javelinas in the Neighborhood
There have been many reports of javelinas in the neighborhood. Most of the sightings have been along Bel Aire and Courtney by the opening in the wash.
Please do not feed them. It is illegal and only encourages them to stay in populated areas. They can be a danger to us and our pets. Do not approach them because they can be unpredictable and may attacked if they feel threatened. If you see them walk away. If you notice some are trapped or in a confined space contact the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The number to report illegal feeding is 800-352-0700.
Effective February 2021 the monthly meetings will be held via Zoom. To attend the meeting contact the management at edgebrookeii@hotmail.com or 520-293-1574 (landline) or 520-991-4812 (text) to receive the link to be invited to the monthly meeting.
We have open seats on the board and anyone interested in finding out what it’s all about, and possibly serving please attend a meeting, on the last Wednesday of the month. Our meetings are being held via Zoom. We would love to see new people attending the meetings and serving on the board.
Many of our neighbors have joined a website called Nextdoor. It is an easy way to network with our neighbors. Click here to go to Nextdoor's website.
Resources for Senior Care in Tucson
A great resource for Seniors is Sensor Housing Net. To access this site use this link: https://www.seniorhousingnet.com/seniorliving-search/tucson_az/assisted-living_type
The Association is looking for help in collecting the trash that gathers around the outside perimeter of Edgebrooke II, in the vegetation area and along the wall, running along Ruthrauff. Although clean up of this area is the responsibility of the County, they only clean up and trim up bushes, trees, etc., quarterly. This is far to long too let trash gather. If you are interested in helping on a REGULAR scheduled basis of cleaning up, please contact us. Thank you to those of you who do get out there are randomly pick up, it does not go unnoticed!
Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man. ~Benjamin Franklin
Complaining about a problem without proposing a solution is called whining. ~Teddy Roosevelt
Hughes Sanitation Holiday Scheduled
Click Here To See The Schedule