
Annual Meeting 2019


Our annual HOA meeting was held on February 13, 2019 and was attended by 11 home owners. Click here to see the minutes of the meeting

Change in monthly Dues 2018

As of April 1, 2018 our monthly dues are changed to $61.95 per month. 

2nd Special Assessment Meeting - Street Chip Seal

Tuesday, September 20, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

On September 20th, a Special Assessment for Capital Improvements meeting was held for the purpose of defraying in whole the cost for street repairs.  The required quorum of 52 was met with 74 votes.  The votes to approve the special assessment of $542.60 per household were in excess of the two-thirds required. There were 61 votes in favor of the assessment for repairs and 13 votes not in favor.

Homeowners will receive official notification by mail soon, with all details of payments and options, as have been previously discussed.  In short however, owners will have a total of 10 months to pay the assessment, and work will begin when monies are collected and scheduled by the contractor.

We are very excited to finally have this work being done in our neighborhood, and believe it will improve  our home values, safety and the overall appeal of the neighborhood. 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to express your opinions, submit ballots and attend the meetings with your vote!


A neighbor who lives at the end of Laird had her surveillance camera stolen some time around September 1st. She is making a police report.

 Also another neighbor had her green garage door lights stolen around the same time.

Special Assessment Street Meeting- August 9th Results

Unfortunately, we did not meet the quorum requirements of 60% (103) of the members to tally votes for the chip seal on our streets.  We had a total of 78 ballots, short by 25.  It does appear the majority of the neighborhood that responded is in favor of the assessment and the major repair to our roads.

The board will be calling a second meeting within the required time frame of no less than 30 days notice, and no more than 60 days to attempt to reach the quorum and hopefully pass the street assessment.  With the second meeting the quorum requirement drops considerably by 50% of 103, therefore we will need a total of 53 ballots to take the vote, and pass by 2/3 majority.  All homeowners will again receive notification of this subsequent meeting and a ballot by mail very shortly.  Please look out for this in your mail and cast your vote.  It is not necessary to attend the actual meeting if you cast your vote in advance,  however if you want to know the results immediately you should attend the meeting.  Check back to our website often, we will post the next meeting on the site as well.

Thank you to those of you who took the time to attend the meeting, and cast your vote, we encourage and hope you will do the same again in this next round.

Improvements To Note!

 The swimming pool now has 2 new ladders inside, the old ones were broken and falling apart, and had come unattached from the plaster walls.  The new ladders are now installed, and the concrete inside the pool repaired.  We have a new drinking fountain in the pool, and have placed a new 96" blue thermo coated picnic table for everyone's enjoyment on the outside west side of the pool near the grass, under the big pine tree.


Pool Draining: It was necessary to drain the pool this summer, as the levels of systolic acid were to high to hold the chemical levels properly, causing it to turn green and become cloudy nearly each week.  With 3 months to go until the pool closes we could not wait until the summer was over, the only solution to correct this issue was to start over with fresh water. We believe this has solved the problem and the pool is looking clear and inviting!


Common Area Grass: We've had some problems with the grass dying and ongoing irrigation issues over the past few months.  We continue to struggle with damaged broken sprinkler heads, nearly every week.  If you see anyone causing damage to the system be sure to take action and report vandalism to the HOA and the Sheriffs Department, help us keep costs down in constantly having to repair these.  On the bright side, the grass has now come back to life, and is lush green.

Missing Lights

One of our neighbors has reported that his outside street light was stolen. So lets all check our lights and if they are burned out replace them. If they are missing let us know.

November 30, 2015: A car parked on West Egle Lane was broken into during the night. 

April 10, 2015: A house on N. Courtney had a rock thrown through the kitchen window around 10:30 pm. The Sheriff's office was called and they came out and made a report.

December 15th: A house on W. Leticia Lane had it’s outside Christmas decoration vandalized. The inflatable decorations were ripped apart and the motors were stolen.

October 31st: A car was set on fire around midnight while parked on Leticia. The arson detectives believe is was caused by a Molotov cocktail. The same evening a house on Courtney was egged.

October 29th: A car was broken into on Southbrooke.

September 2nd: An attempted break in occurred on 09/02/14 to a house on N. Warner Terrace. The house was vacant, while being remodeled. There was damage to the doors and windows.

August 8th: The inside of the HOA wall surrounding the community on Courtney was graffiti and the soda machine, at the ramada, had the front panel torn off. A police report was made.

July 12th:  The inside of the HOA wall surrounding the community on Courtney was graffiti, as well as the outside wall at the swimming pool. A home on Laird had its front window broken out.

July 15th:  4 car windows were broken out that were parked on various streets thorough out the neighborhood.

July 17th:  Another Molotov cocktail was discovered in the back yard

Please know that the Pima County Sheriff's Department is taking an aggressive approach in the investigation of these incidents.


Neighborhood Watch Update

On Friday, April 13th a home located on Warner Terrace, had the window of their truck shot out by a BB Gun.  The police were notified, it is uncertain the exact time of the incident.  Please remember the safest place for your vehicles is inside your garage and not on the streets, when at all possible.